Zabala Txakolina
Come and discover the secrets of this ancestral wine, so typical of our land and with its own character: "Bizkaiko Txakolina". Based on the txakoli tradition of tasting at the winery itself, on this interesting visit you will learn about our vineyards, the winemaking process and taste two of our txakolis.
- Date: Abril
- Time: 12:30
- Duración: 1,5h
- Meeting point: Zabala Txakolina
- Edad mínima:
- Plazas: 20
- Price: 15 €
- Languages: Eu, Es
- Accesible: Sí
- Families: Sí
- Recomendaciones:
- Information y reservations: Zabala Txakolina | 946 615 542 |